by flawless | Oct 21, 2019 | Elite Weight Loss Blog, Exercise and Fitness
The Best 3 Exercises for People Who Sit Someone asked me recently, “Chad…if you could narrow down the three most effective movements for people who sit all day what would that be”?I’m getting more and more of these questions all the time, and it’s awesome!...
by flawless | Aug 26, 2019 | Elite Weight Loss Blog, Exercise and Fitness
If burpees feel straight-up impossible, start with this move instead by Tehrene Firman I know I’m not alone in despising burpees. There’s something about getting down onto the floor, doing a push-up, then popping back up into the air that feels...
by flawless | Aug 19, 2019 | Elite Weight Loss Blog, FOOD MODIFICATION/DIETS
How To Determine How Many Calories You Need on a Low-Carb Dietby Tarah Chieffi Before you go on a low-carb diet, you’ll need to figure out not only the number of carbs you can eat, but also the number of calories — because low-carb or not, eating...
by flawless | Jul 15, 2019 | Elite Weight Loss Blog, Exercise and Fitness
Working Out in the Morning – Stay at It With These 5 Tips by Surely you’ve experienced this before: your alarm goes off, but you’d much rather stay in your cozy bed than get up and work out…. However, if you want to see results soon and stay motivated,...
by flawless | Jun 14, 2019 | Elite Weight Loss Blog, Exercise and Fitness
Even One Extra Walk a Day May Make a Big Difference by Gretchen Reynolds Now, aiming instead to use science rather than semantics, Dr. Lee and her colleagues began trolling through the massive data from the Women’s Health Study, which has been tracking...
This information does not replace the advice of your doctor or pharmacist. Weight loss results may vary. Results can vary due to activity levels, calories consumed, proper supplement use and water consumption. These statements have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration.